Friday, 14 March 2014

Busy this weekend trying to sort out the craft room. I so very slowly and unwillingly moved all the boxes and 'stuff' off the shelves, moved all the furniture out, vacuumed the carpets, then measured everything and drew up a few different floor plans, painted a few shelves white. Then I ended up putting nearly everything back where I first had it, as nothing else looked right!  
Anyhow... at least it's a bit tidier than before and I got the floor looking great :)

Here's a little peek at a few of my favourite things for you ...

 Have a nice day xx


  1. I had a clean up in the sewing room too because there was a minor flood in there (guttering needs to be cleaned out more often!!!!), not because I have been using it. You probably put everything back where it was because that is where it works best. Nice to have a clean slate though next time you start a project. xx

  2. Hi Paula, I am still loitering here in the background and occasionally seeing my fav bloggers pop back in.what a big job but it is done now and glad you can see your floor,been there lol.Love to you and your wonderful family.xxxxxx
